Chapter Committees

The Standing Committees of this Chapter shall be:

  1. Program Planning
  2. Nominating
  3. Bylaws,
  4. Scholarship
  5. Membership
  6. Student Recruitment
  7. Fundraising
  8. Governmental Relations
  9. Communication
  10. Rattler Booster
  11. Finance
  12. Auditing.

Ad Hoc committees are appointed by the President to address a specific subject, issue, or concern. The Ad Hoc committee is disbanded after making its final report.

Standing Committees

The Auditing Committee is responsible for:

  1. Conducting a full examination of the finances of the Chapter at the close of the term of office or upon the vacating of office by the President, Financial Secretary, and/or Treasurer.
  2. Submitting a written report of all findings to the Chapter by October of the new fiscal year at the regular General Body meeting. 

The Bylaws Committee is responsible for:

  1. Making recommendations for the establishment, amendment, and revision of all rules governing the Chapter.
  2. Evaluating and making recommendations for all rules proposed to be adopted or amended by the Chapter.
  3. Making recommendations that comply with the principles of parliamentary procedure.
  4. Complying with all applicable superseding governing documents.
  5. Reviewing all Chapter rules at least every two years.
  6. Documenting and making available all adopted rules to active Chapter members.

The Communication Committee is responsible for:

  1. The positive image of the Chapter.
  2. Maintaining the Chapter’s website with current information
  3. Providing a means to timely publicize all chapter events and programs
  4. Communicating newsworthy items of the membership to the Chapter, Region, University, and community, as appropriate.

Note: All chapter external communication requires prior approval by the President.

The Government Relations Committee is responsible for planning, developing, and implementing programs to promote the University’s legislative agenda and establish rapport with local public and Florida Congressional delegation to promote the positive image of the University.

The Finance Committee is responsible for:

  1. Monitoring the financial state of the Chapter.
  2. Preparing, recommending, and presenting, annually, a draft budget which shall be presented at the May meeting, for approval by the

    1. The budget shall be presented at the June meeting for Chapter approval.
  3. Creation of a quarterly variance reports showing the Chapter’s budget versus actual income, expenditures and allocated funds.
  4. Recommending budget amendments, if necessary.
  5. Monitoring the investment account(s).
  6. Make investment portfolio recommendations for chapter approval.


Note: The Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Fundraising Chair, at least, shall serve asmembers of this committee.

The Fundraising Committee is responsible for:

  1. Planninng, developing, recommending and leading programs designed to increase
    the Chapter’s funds.
  2. Submit to the membership, in a timely manner, written reports of all income and
    expenses for each fundraising event.

Note: All recommended fundraising program activities require chapter approval, by majority vote, prior to implementation.

Florida A&M Marching 100 Drum Major

The Rattler Booster Committee is responsible for:

  1. Coordinating programs between the Chapter and the University
    regarding all University athletic matters.
  2. Keeping the membership apprised of the status of the various
    sports teams.
  3. Assisting in identifying financial support needed for the University’s intercollegiate athletic program. 
  4. Coordinates with the Fundraising Committee to solicit resources, whether cash or in-kind, for the support of intercollegiate athletics at the University and coordinates with the Athletic Department regarding needed chapter assistance when teams are scheduled to compete in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area.

Note: The chair of this committee serves as the primary liaison between the Chapter and the University.

The Membership Committee is responsible for:

  1. Developing, designing, and recommending programs to enhance the
    growth of the Chapter.
  2. Coordinating with the Financial Secretary to collect membership dues and
    maintain an accurate membership list with contact information.
  3. Providing a membership report at each general membership meeting.
  4. Leading the membership drive program.
  5. Orienting new members to the Chapter.

The Nominating Committee is responsible for:

  1. Nominating, at least one, and not more than three, eligible active chapter members for each office.
  2. Reporting nominations to the membership, at least 30 days, prior to the June regular meeting and prior to the election.
  3. Nominating eligible members for any special elections that may occur.

The Programming Committee is responsible for:

  1. A one-year plan, which outlines programs for the success of the Chapter.


Note: Plans shall be submitted in writing to the Chapter at the September meeting for approval.

The Scholarship Committed is responsible for:

  1. Developing and recommending criteria for academic scholarships and book awards based on scholastic achievements and other student financial
    aid awards.
  2. Developing and evaluating applications for scholarships and financial aid awards and recommending to the Chapter the recipient(s) and amount(s) of each award.
  3. Submitting required documentation for each student award to the Treasurer to provide payment(s) to the University through the Association before the last drop/add class date.


Note: The Chapter shall determine the final award selection(s) by majority vote.

The Scholarship Committee is responsible for:

  1. Actively seeking opportunities to recruit qualified and talented
    students to attend the University.
  2. Planning and coordinating the Chapter’s participation in student recruitment
  3. Upon the University’s request to the Chapter, leading in the support of University-sponsored recruitment events in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area.

Ad-Hoc Committees

The Community Service Committee is responsible for:

  1. Engaging with the community to provide services to the Washington, D.C. metro area.